4 helpful tools to Rebuild yourself after being involved in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship!

Emotionally abusive tactics by a partner include verbal assaults, and or abuse, mind games, constant criticism and control, shaming and belittling language, and keeping the abused person away from any type of supportive friends or family.


Read through the 4 Tips below to help you learn to Heal from Emotional Abuse!

Some of the most common mental health issues associated with emotional abuse include anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
No matter what happened in the situation, it's time to stop blaming yourself and Heal through your past!


1. Re-establish your Boundaries!

Boundaries allow you to define your limits of what you need in your life, and are a part of understanding your love for yourself, and for others. Healthy boundaries include feeling responsible for your own Happiness, being open and Honest about Communication and being clear about your values, beliefs, wants and limits. Explore current boundaries and make sure they align with what you need to feel safe.


2. Forgive Yourself!

Don’t allow the past guilt, shame, and hurt that your abuser has made you feel, leave you depressed and unable to forgive yourself. Abuse in any form is never your fault. Accept what happened and choose to forgive yourself!


Re-write Your Story!

Abusers are often manipulative and use false narratives to portray themselves as right and their partners as incompetent and wrong. Abusers will often tell their partners that they are unlovable, unworthy, and so damaged that no one will every want to love them again. Conflicting emotions from being told lies can damage your self-worth, self-esteem, and can have lasting effects on the perception of yourself. It's time to take back your story and take back your Truth! Make a commitment to yourself to focus on building Confidence and Re-Writing your story to tell your authentic truth!


Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Constantly reminding yourself of the past and asking yourself why, what, and how you got involved in such a toxic relationship will only continue to take a toll on your mental space until you take back the Power that you lost during this time. Being unafraid to ask for help is the most courageous thing you can do for yourself. Seek help from a trained therapist, read books and contact organizations that provide information on emotional abuse, coping skills, self-care and support.


Remember, you are not just a Survivor, but an Overcomer! In time, you will heal! Be Well! I’m Rooting for You!

With Gratitude,



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