How does counseling help me?
Counseling is a collaborative process between therapist and client. When clients feel comfortable and the sessions are productive, they begin to open up and explore their emotions, traumas, and other challenges. Although the therapeutic process can be uncomfortable at times, with guidance, clients can work through it and begin to feel more grounded and empowered.
Is Counseling Confidential?
All client-therapist conversations are private and confidential. As a licensed Counselor I must follow ethical standards for Confidentiality except where the safety of the client may be at risk.
What can I expect at my first session?
During the first session clients can expect to begin building a relationship with the therapist. The client will talk about any concerns and the reason why they are seeking counseling and give personal history information. The client will also fill out paperwork.
How much does counseling cost?
A typical counseling session from a Licensed Professional Counselor ranges from $65-$150 depending on the area and type of therapy. I provide a sliding scale free to make things easier for those with the inability to afford the session. It is my goal to make counseling accessible and affordable for everyone. I often work out mutual agreements with all of my clients to make sure everyone can receive the help they need.
How much does therapy cost ?
At Root to Crown Wellness, counseling sessions range from $100 to $175 per session, depending on the provider and service. While many therapists do not accept insurance due to low reimbursement rates and administrative challenges, we do accept certain insurance plans—please inquire for details. To ensure accessibility for all, we also provide therapy resources and referrals to help individuals find the support they need within their budget.