Good Busy or Bad Busy?

So many people from all walks of life ask me all the time, Aminah, how are you able to manage it all? Business owner, mom, wife. Do you ever sleep? Well, honestly I sleep, not really well and yes the family keeps me busy, but I wouldn’t change it for a million bucks.

I used to find it hard to manage my time, as I was always making myself available to others. Sound familiar? I frequently worried about friends accepting me if I wasn’t available to help them. I equated being busy with feelings of being worthy. This type of BAD Busy made me feel like I was accomplishing things, smiling on the outside while being so exhausted on the inside, but no-one could tell. I was in a Bad Busy state, always available to others but not available for my personal needs. My Bad Busy days often meant that I didn’t take the time to assess what I needed in my personal life, which takes a toll on your mental wellness. Taking time for myself and sitting in complete silence reminded me of some personal truths that I have a hard time accepting. I had to learn to accept that I procrastinate out of fear of failing, or that I feel restless when I don’t help others, or how I wish I could stop worrying about what other people think of me. Yes, I am human, with flaws and my ability to accept that is gratifying.

I am perfectly imperfect, constantly growing and learning on this journey to wellness. I have made peace with my flaws and now can share with others about the importance of not being busy for the sake of being. I began applying certain strategies that would guide me on my Good Busy path. Not only that, but I made sure that before committing to something or someone that it was in my best interest to do so. I fed my spirit with worthiness and feelings of self-love that surpassed the need of acceptance from others. I started planning and creating lists to help me stay organized and productive while working on my ability to say NO to people, Nicely of course. Yes, I am a giver by nature, always looking to help others, but sometimes that can get the best of you. If you’re always doing things for others, your wellness stores are running low, with nothing or anyone to restore them. My bad busy days of saying Yes, Yes, Yes...out of fear of feeling guilty quickly faded and my Good Busy days are on the rise.

I challenge you to take a minute and ask yourselves, why are you so busy?

What are you hiding from or what don’t you want others to see? Many of us use busyness as a deflection in order to not face what’s really going on in our lives, and unfortunately that can only last for so long. I challenge you to slow down and examine your lives, and examine your why behind being too busy while leaning in to growing and understanding your needs. Take a moment and just breathe and focus on the present no matter what you are doing. Everyone can be on the path to a Good Busy Day ... you know why, because #thetherapist said so!


31 days of Life-Changing Affirmations for Self-Love and Acceptance


Why are you not taking self-care seriously?