Why are you not taking self-care seriously?

Essentially self-care is exactly what it states, taking care of yourself.

Essentially, self-care is exactly what it states, taking care of yourself. It is the practice of taking an active role in protecting your own well-being and happiness. To so many people, self- care is a simple concept to digest, but too many, it’s a practice that often overlooked. Self-care has become so commercialized over the past couple of years with the overwhelming information on its importance on mental wellness. When you hear the words, self- care, your brain may automatically take you to the pictures of mindfulness, or thinking about the Happy Baby pose in yoga! Exploring your emotions by journaling or practicing YOGA can all provide optimal benefits to your self-care routine, but that’s not all you need. I truly believe that all the aforementioned acts of kindness to yourself are beautiful ways to temporary happiness, but there is so much more to self-care than you think.

True self-care takes work. A deeper understanding of committing to give yourself what you need takes work. The ability to allow yourself to feel, to think, to cry if you need will take work. We understand that as Humans we are emotional beings with feelings and experiences and Life hurts us. True self-care is permitting yourself to live in the moment, to experience the highs’ and lows in life while striving to love yourself throughout the process. It’s about being comfortable being uncomfortable on this journey called Life. It’s about recognizing your own needs and doing what you need in order to fulfill them. When you neglect your self- care, you are essentially telling yourself you don’t care about how you feel, and you are not worth the time or effort it takes to improve your wellness. When I am not practicing any form of self-care, I can feel it. I become overwhelmed, easily agitated, have issues with sleep and my cravings for chocolate kick in.

To help you fully grasp this concept of self-care, I will break it down for you into what types of self-care I think are best to begin with.


Physical self-care

is an essential part of any self-care ritual. Taking care of your body, so it can be strong and take care of YOU is important. When is the last time you visited the dentist or had a yearly physical? We get so busy with supporting everyone else, that we end up forgetting about our own health. Staying up to date with medical check-ups, eating a balanced diet and allowing the body to move is a must. Now, I don’t mean signing up for a burpee challenge or squatting till your quads fall off. No, spend some time walking outside, stretching, or dancing to your favorite jam.


Emotional self-care

is about recognizing and understanding your emotions and not letting them rule you! Learning how to get in touch with your emotions and how to express them is important. Allowing yourself to Feel and Just Be is sometimes all that we need to feel better. Acknowledged the emotion, Feel the emotion, Reflect on why you felt that way, then Let It Go.


Mental self-care.

Last but definitely not least is our Mental Self-care. I am personally on a mission as a Therapist to normalize mental health and our need for therapy. The ability to check in with yourself and understand your triggers is key to building mental strength and resiliency. Practice thinking about the positive things in life instead of catastrophizing or assuming the worst will happen. This practice takes time, but good things will come to those who wait, so be patient.


We spend so much time giving so much of ourselves to others, so why is it so hard to show up for you?

You deserve the best version of you on this path of healing and growth. Make time to give yourself some love and Grac it needs to thrive , while forgiving yourself for past hurts and mistakes. We live, and we learn, while growing to becoming more grounded. Neglecting your self-care is not an option. Become more aware of your body and mind and give it what it needs. For me, that means good sleep, exercise, giving and helping others and taking a hot bubble bath listening to some nice neo-soul music. Whether it’s yoga, or meditation, eating healthy, or forgiving someone, however you choose to practice self-care is Organically yours. Promise me you will show up for yourself with courage and unconditional love, just as you would show up for someone else!

With Gratitude,



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