On Letting Go

Sometimes heading in a new direction will lead you down a beautiful path. Don’t be afraid to just “Let Go”

Hello Beautiful Souls, I hope you are taking care of your mind and drinking your water. Well, I think we have all been here! You know, trying to figure life out and wondering if you shoulda, coulda, woulda? Well did you or didn’t you? Ok, I can tell you that holding on to whatever it is that is clogging up your mental drain will ware you down. I mean totally have you feeling defeated eating stale animal crackers and peanut butter.

I am here to personally tell you that life is not meant to be lived on worries and what if’s. Life is meant to be lived, everyday all day, enjoying all that it has for you, the Good and the Bad. We are in a Global Pandemic of illness, Systematic Racial injustices as well other world perils that keep you up at night.

Honestly it’s draining to my brain space while even writing about it. I’m Tired and I know you're tired as well if you're reading this. Please understand that you will be doing yourself a disservice if you stop the guessing & wondering on whether you made the right decision, It’s hard to Let Go sometimes and its even harder to be ok with things in life not working out! Give yourself some grace and allow yourself to be unapologetically human! Nothing is perfect and no-one is perfect so don’t aim for perfection. It’s okay to fail once in a while as it only builds strength from within. The one thing that I want you to understand is that you are capable of having peace in your life. You deserve it, so Go Get Your Peace! It’s time to take your power back and stop worrying about who hurt you or why you didn’t get the supervisor position at work. You Matter! Don’t be afraid to Let GO… Stand tall, take a deep breath in, breath out slowly and celebrate the feeling of the weight lifting off your shoulders as you accept and love yourself for who you are.

Negative energy out, Positive energy In.



Toxic Relationships