Toxic Relationships
I want you to know that you deserve relationships that manifest love, light, and positivity. Don’t settle for toxicity.
Hey everyone. I hope your day is filled with sunshine and ice cream. Non-dairy for me, or whatever makes you feel happy. I feel compelled to shed some light on what it means to be “toxic” to help as many people gain some knowledge and have key things they can look for when in a relationship known as “Red Flags”. Ok, well lets look at some information.
Ok, well lets look at some information. When I look up the meaning of Toxic we can see such definitions like:
Affected with or caused by a toxin or poison,
Acting as or having the effect of poison, or
Causing unpleasant feelings ; harmful or malicious.
So I think we all get the message. A toxic relationship is draining and something that can literally leave us feeling anxious, overwhelmed and drained. When we talk about a person who is involved in a toxic relationship I want to focus on 4 signs that may indicate you are experiencing toxicity in your relationship and may not even be aware.
Communication Woes
This is a good one. Either your partner is unwilling to communicate effectively about anything or they use anger, hostility or manipulation to make you feel it’s all your fault… Hmm does that sound familiar?
None of us like the feeling of someone trying to control us, even when we were little children. In this case your partner does not want to compromise and wants to have everything their way. You in turn, try to appease them just to keep the peace and maintain some sort of happiness, so they will stop their controlling behaviors.
I had to throw in a counseling term if I may but it fits the puzzle. Deflecting is when someone tries to take the blame off themselves and place or (deflect) it onto others. Your partner may make you feel like you are the problem, your thoughts are unrealistic and in turn, they are just fine.
There are so many ways to describe this one. Do you always feel tension when around this person? Nervous, On edge, Not sure of what to say because you're afraid you're going to make them mad? Almost like your walking on eggshells?
Please pay attention to the signs above and reach out for help if you are witnessing any of these behaviors. Taking the first step to seek help is critical and depending how willing your partner is to work on underlying issues, things could change. I want you to know that you deserve relationships that manifest love, light, and positivity.
Don’t settle for toxicity.